Friday, September 5, 2008

Teachers, the potters

"Guru Bramha, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaraha, Guru Sakshat Parabramha Tasmaye Sri Guruvennmaha"

Today's Teachers day made me reflect the life changing role that my teachers played in my impressionable days. I wish to thank them, salute them and wish them happiness and good health. I wish to list some of them here who changed my life for the better:

- Richard Sir and Edna Madam - My English teachers in my primary school. This husband and wife teacher team was so well liked by us that the learning was a by-product of our interaction. In their retirement they are as cheerful as I remember them as my teachers.

- Thyagarajan Sir - Till my fifth standard, if God had asked me for a boon, I would have asked Him to take away from this world a subject called Maths. After Thyagarajan Sir came to our Kendriya Vidyalaya, Bidar, Maths gave up. It magically turned into a friendly, likeable and easy subject. We started liking the formulae as much as his unique swear words.

- Subramanyam Sir - A whiz with Chemistry who made us undertand what we were doing for many years without a clue - titration experiments. He put the Periodic Table in our heads so hard that it has still not managed to escape after over 25 years.

- Wilson Arnold - As our PT teacher he beat us into shape by making us run around the University. He traversed the journey from being loathed (we realised later the benefits of his ways) to being loved in the four years at my Uni and I am told he has made an art form of that.

More strength to them and to others not mentioned here.

I feel, we as a society should empower gifted teachers to shape the kids overall personality in a way that they judge is right for each child instead of following a rigid rote system.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Empowering tomorrow's tigers

A city-centric growth of the country is not a very healthy trend in the long run. Empowering SMEs with capital, management inputs and marketing support will go a long way in equitable and sustainable growth in all parts of the country. The wide spread education campaign that we intend to undertake will not only bring out idle capital and put it to productive use, but also inpire potential entrepreneurs who where either letting their ideas get buried in their vicious cycle of survival-enterpreneuship or other sustainance activities like getting stuck in the jobs that they hate to continue in, but have no choice.

Our unique capital raising methodology will bring about a Win-Win-Win outcome for the Ideator, Investor and Community at large. I envision this as a movement whose time has come. In this endevour I will look for support and co-operation of like minded professionals to come together in a healthy, open, mutually beneficial association.

Please wait for my further posting regarding the details or contact me on


Hemant Nitturkar